Friday, July 22, 2005

Just Who Was William Shakespeare? Pt 1

Nineteen year old Billy Wynn came down from Dayton, Ohio to spend a week or so visiting his seven year old cousin Tony and family in Kentucky back in 1967.

Billy asked, “Tony have they told you about old William Shakespeare yet?” I said, “No who is he?” Billy laughed a little and said, “Why, he is some old man that died before our Papaw was even born and all he did was set around and tell lies. Billy went on to say that I would be hearing about him sooner or later. He said, "You will not like hearing about him." About that time I went to sleep.
The next night when we all got in bed, Billy asked me again, ‘Tony did they tell you about old William Shakespeare?” I said. “No they did not talk about him any.” Billy said, "Oh, they will tell you about him some day, you can bet on that. Then they will be giving you tests on that old bird.”
I asked Billy, “Well just who was William Shakespeare?” Billy said, “I already told you Tony. He was some old man that lived a long time ago and he was not from here. He was from somewheres else way off, maybe California. You know where all them heathen people live. I asked Billy, “What is heathen people?” He said, “Why Tony, don’t they learn you nothing at school? Heathen people is people that believe that they can live how ever they want to and still go to heaven when they die.” After that I went to sleep.


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