Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Shakespeare Part 2

I decided in the morning, as me and Isabelle were walking over to the store to get on the bus, I said to myself; now when I get to school today, I will ask my teacher was there a man by the name of William Shakespeare? I will see if big Billy had been lying to me or not.
I remember setting in the back of the room and I wanting to ask Miss Parsons, if she ever heard of a man by the name of William Shakespeare but I also knew that I was not her pick of the litter because about a week before, she gave me a hard paddling just because she caught me cheating on an old spelling test. Then I got to thinking, what if Big Billy lied to me and there never was anyone by that name. If I was to ask her about some one she never heard about, she might give me another paddling for asking her a stupid question. So I decided that I would just wait and ask someone else
The teachers would always stand at the end of the playground watching all of us. I remember looking down at the end and I could see that my teacher was standing on one side of the playground and could see another teacher standing on the other side of the playground. I said to myself, I’ll go down and I’ll ask that other teacher if there was a man by the name of William Shakespeare. So what if it makes her mad. She will not paddle me because she’s not my teacher.
So I began to walk through all the kids to the other end of the playground. As I got closer and closer to her, I said to my self, she is younger and prettier than my old teacher, maybe she will not get mad if I ask her about old William Shakespeare. But my legs seemed to get weaker with every step I would take. Just as I was getting up close enough to talk to her, my teacher walked up to her and began to talk with her. So I just stopped and looked down at the ground and went back to the other end of the playground.
I remember thinking as I walked back, why Big Billy probably was lying to me anyway. Who ever heard of a name like William Shakespeare anyway? I bet Big Billy just made that name up. In a little bit it was time to go back to the room. I remember all that day I wanted to ask my teacher about old William Shakespeare but I was just too afraid to ask her about him.


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